Consultation Responses

The EPRi team regularly respond to consultations and calls for evidence, often working with other organisations. Please get in touch if you and / or your organisation would be interested in supporting this work.

Scottish Government: Passivhaus Equivalent Stage 1 consultation. Joint response with Common Weal, the BEAM Centre at GCU, Fraser/Livingstone Architects, Pattiesmuir, & Prof Lori McElroy, University of Strathclyde, November 2024.

Scottish Government: Heat in Buildings Bill consultation. Joint response with Common Weal and the BEAM Centre at GCU, March 2024.

Scottish Government: Consultation on Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Reforms. Joint response with the BEAM Centre at GCU, Common Weal, Atkins Architecture, & Net Zero Associates Ltd, Sept 2023. 

Scottish Government: Call for evidence on coal extraction. Joint response with Common Weal, Aug 2022.

Scottish Government: Consultation on the National Public Energy Agency. Joint response with Common Weal and the BEAM Centre at GCU. Feb 2022.

Scottish Government: Consultation on the Draft Hydrogen Action Plan. Joint response with Common Weal, the BEAM Centre at GCU, and 100% Renewable UK. Jan 2022.

Scottish Parliament: Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee inquiry into the role of local government and its cross-sectoral partners in financing and delivering a net-zero Scotland. Joint response with Common Weal. Jan 2022.

Scottish Government: Draft Heat Networks Delivery Plan Consultation. Joint response from EPRi, Common Weal, and the BEAM Centre at GCU. Dec 2021.

Scottish Government: Draft Heat in Buildings Strategy Domestic EPC Reform Consultation. Joint response from EPRi, Common Weal, the BEAM Centre at GCU, Freya Wise (Open University, personal capacity) and 100% Renewable UK. Oct 2021.

Scottish Government: Call for Evidence on the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme. Joint response with the BEAM Centre at Glasgow Caledonian University, Apr 2021.

Scottish Government: Consultation on Scottish skills requirements for energy efficiency, zero emissions and low carbon heating systems, microgeneration and heat networks for homes. Joint response with Common Weal and the BEAM Centre at Glasgow Caledonian University, Apr 2021.

Scottish Government: Consultation on the Draft Heat in Buildings Strategy. Joint response with the BEAM Centre at Glasgow Caledonian University, Common Weal, and 100% Renewable UK, Apr 2021.

Scottish Government: New Build Heat Standard: Scoping consultation. Joint response with 100% Renewable UK and Common Weal, Feb 2021.

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Call for evidence on Combined Heat and Power: the route to 2050, joint response with Common Weal, September 2020.

European Commission, Consultation on the Renovation Wave for the Building Sector, June 2020. Common Weal response.

Scottish Power Energy Networks, Consultation on Distribution Futures Energy Scenarios, June 2020. Common Weal response.

Scottish Parliament: Just Transition Commission call for evidence. Common Weal response, April 2020.

Scottish Parliament: Call for views on the Heat Networks Bill, joint response with Common Weal, April 2020.

Scottish Government: Housing to 2040, Feb 2020.

Scottish Government: Improving energy efficiency in owner-occupied homes, Feb 2020.

Scottish Government: Local Energy Policy Statement, Dec 2019.

Scottish Government: The role of the Public Sector in decarbonising Scotland, Dec 2019.

Ofgem: Proposals to improve outcomes for consumers who experience self-disconnection and self-rationing, Sept 2019.

Scottish Government, Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee: Call for evidence on the Annual Energy Statement. Joint response with Common Weal, August 2019.

Scottish Government: Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (Scotland) Regulations 2019: consultation. Joint response with Common Weal, Aug 2019.

Scottish Government: The future of low carbon heat for off gas buildings: a call for evidence, joint response with Common Weal and Glasgow Caledonian University, June 2019

Scottish Government, Energy Efficient Scotland consultation, joint response with Common Weal, June 2019

Response to the Ofgem Call for Evidence on pre-payment and self-rationing, Dec 2018

Response to the Scottish Parliament's Call for Evidence on the Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill, joint response with Common Weal

Response to the Call for views on the Scottish Publicly Owned Energy Company, joint statement with Common Weal, Sept 2018 - also available from Common Weal here.

Scottish Government, Energy Efficiency Scotland consultation, July 2018 

Scottish Government, Consultation on the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH2), July 2018

BEIS, Call for Evidence on Heat in Buildings, 2018

BEIS, Consultation on the Warmer Homes Discount, Apr 2018

Scottish Government, Second Consultation on Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District and Communal Heating, Feb 2018

Scottish Government, Consultation on the Fuel Poverty Strategy, Feb 2018

Scottish Government, Consultation on the Climate Change Bill, Sept 2017

Scottish Government, Energy efficiency and condition standards in private rented housing: A Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme Consultation, June 2017

Scottish Government, Consultation on Scotland's Energy Efficiency Programme, May 2017

Scottish Government, Consultation on a Scottish Energy Strategy: The future of energy in Scotland, May 2017

Scottish Government, Consultation on Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District Heating, Apr 2017

Scottish Government, Talking "Fracking": A Consultation on Unconventional Oil and Gas, Feb 2017

Scottish Government, Draft Climate Change Plan RPP3 - ECCLR Call for Evidence, Feb 2017

UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Heat in Buildings Consultation, Jan 2017

Commission on Housing and Wellbeing, Call for Evidence, 2014