
Here's a handy list of relevant publications by the team.

Baker, K.J., 2025. Unleashing the potential for district heating in rural Scotland. Energy Review, Spring 2025, Energy Action Scotland.

Baker, K.J., 2025. Can district heating solve Scotland's problems? We hope to find out. The National / Common Weal, 16th January 2025. Available at:

Baker, K.J., & Mould, R., 2024. Just Comfort: District Heating and Cooling as a Sustainable Energy Solution. In: Golubchikov, O., & Yenneti, K., (Eds), Smart Cities, Energy and Climate: Governing Cities for a Low-Carbon Future. Wiley, July 2024. ISBN: 978-1-118-64117-0. DOI: 10.1002/9781118641156.ch18 

Baker, K.J., 2024. Why every home needs a plan for net zero. The Herald, 29th May 2024. Available at: 

Baker, K.J., 2024. Scottish homes are nowhere near ready for net zero. The National, 3rd March 2024. Available at: 

Baker, K.J., 2023. EPC-Zee. Common Weal, 6th October 2023. Available at:

Chapman, D., Neil, A., Anderson., A., & Baker, K.J., 2023. Re-booting the National Energy Company for Scotland with Geothermal Energy. A Common Weal discussion paper. Available at: 

Dalzell, C., & Baker, K.J., 2022. The story of Common Weal's fight for a Scottish public energy company. The National, 30th November 2022. Available at: 

Anderson, A., Baker, K.J., & Truebig, A., 2022. We need to be making more of Scotland’s good news skills story. The National, 20th November 2022. Available at:  

Baker, K.J., 2022. Welsh ambitions are powering ahead of Scotland’s. Common Weal, 28th October 2022. Available at: 

Baker, K.J., 2022. The UK is facing an energy bills crisis, and no major party is prepared for it. The Conversation, 24th August 2022. Available at: and republished in Brave New Europe: ; Yahoo News: ; ProIQRA: ; Pipa News: ; News Now: ; UK Daily News: ; ABBO News: ; Noovell: ; RS News: ; LNU News: ; FGN News: and an updated version in The Watermelon at:

Baker, K.J., 2022. Why we must support Alex Rowley’s Passivhaus Bill. Common Weal, 14th July 2022. Available at: 

Baker, K.J., 2022. Dr Keith Baker: Highlands and Islands can help end fuel poverty for all. The National, 4th June 2022 (hard copy), 8th June 2022 (digital). Available at: 

Baker, K.J., 2022. Climate change: UK’s net zero target is under threat because there’s no plan to pay for it. The Conversation, 24th May 2022. Available at:

Baker, K.J., 2022. As energy prices are due to rise, we can’t ignore the plight of those rationing their energy use. Energy Action Scotland, Energy Review, Spring 2022. Available at: 

Common Weal, EPRi, The Nuclear Consulting Group, Scientists for Global Responsibility, Scottish CND, & 100% Renewable UK, 2022. Joint statement on Nuclear Power. Available at:

Baker, K.J., 2021. Don’t ignore those rationing their energy use. Common Weal. Available at: 

Baker, K.J., 2021. IPCC report: global emissions must peak by 2025 to keep warming at 1.5°C – we need deeds not words. The Conversation, 9th August 2021. Available at: 

Baker, K.J., Anderson, A., Hunter, E., McAlpine, R., Chapman, D., Dalzell, C., & Hanlon, C., 2021. 21 for 21: The Climate Change Actions Scotland Needs Now. Statement by Common Weal, EPRi & the BEAM Centre at GCU. Available at:

Baker, K.J., 2021. Why using hydrogen to heat homes is more hot air. Source News, 15th March 2021. Available at: And syndicated to Brave New Europe as Why Hydrogen as Fuel is so Problematic, 15th March 2021. Available at: 

Baker, K.J., & Mould, R., 2021. Will reforming EPCs tackle energy efficiency and fuel poverty? Energy Action Scotland, Energy Review Spring 2021. Available at: 

Baker, K.J., 2020. The stakes have never been higher in the battle for 100% renewables. Source News, 12th November 2020. Available at:  

Baker, K.J., 2020. Why homeworking must become a right. Source News, 8th July 2020. Available at:

Baker, K.J., 2020. How should our approach to energy use change post-lockdown? Source News, 9th June 2020. Available at:

Baker, K.J., 2020. Eliminating fuel poverty in a post-Covid world. Source News, 5th May 2020. Available at: 

Baker, K.J., & Mould, R., 2020. Evidence Summary on Energy Performance Certificates and the delivery of energy efficiency and fuel poverty policies in Scotland. (Redacted version published 04/10/21). Available at:

Baker, K.J., Mould, R., & McKelvie, L., 2020. Better, Warmer Homes. EPRi and Common Weal, 20th February 2020. Available at:

Baker, K.J., & Wood, G., 2019. Our time is up: Why we have just 12 years to eliminate the fossil fuel industry and transform society. Commonspace, 19th November 2019. Available at: 

😀Out now😀: Wood, G., & Baker, K.J., (eds), 2019. The Palgrave Handbook of Managing Fossil Fuels and Energy Transitions. Palgrave Macmillan, Nov 2019. Available at:

Baker, K.J., & Styles, P., 2019. UK government’s fracking ‘ban’ has a convenient loophole. The Conversation, 8th November 2019. Available at: 

Unaegbu, E.U., & Baker, K.J., 2019. Assessing the Potential for Energy from Waste Plants to Tackle Energy Poverty and Earn Carbon Credits for Nigeria. International Journal of Energy Policy and Management, 2019; 4(2): 8-16 ISSN: 2472-9477; ISSN: 2472-9493. Pre-publication version available at:

Crichton, S., Burbaite, R., & Baker, K.J., 2019. Living Positively: Research into the energy advice and support needs of householders with dementia. Report for the European Social Fund by Scarf and Glasgow Caledonian University. Available at:

Baker, K.J., Mould, R., Dalzell, C., McAlpine, R., & Shafi, J., 2019. Carbon-free, Poverty-free: Heating options for rural Scotland. Policy paper for Calor by Common Weal, Glasgow Caledonian University, and the Energy Poverty Research initiative. June 2019. Available at: 

Baker, K.J., 2019. Rebuilding the market for sustainable timber: Some thoughts from Scotland. Invest Foresight, 24th August 2019. Available at: and in Russian at: 

Baker, K.J., & Mould, R., 2019. Just Warmth: Developing equitable and sustainable district heating systems in Scotland. A Common Weal policy paper, 12th May 2019. Available at:

Baker, K.J., 2019. Paying for your sins: Why carbon offsetting is not a serious approach to climate change. Commonspace, 1st May 2019. Available at:

The National, 2019. Common Weal urges Scottish Government to adopt radical heating networks. Available at:

Pridmore, A., Baker, K.J., & Wistow, J., 2019. Impacts of Climate Change on Social Care in Scotland. Report for ClimateXChange Scotland by Aether UK, Glasgow Caledonian University, and Durham University. May 2019.

Mould, R., & Baker, K.J., 2019. Scotland needs an energy policy that delivers radical solutions. Commonspace, 19th March 2019. Available at:  

The National, 2019. New report hails potential of Scottish national energy company. Available at:

Baker, K.J., Mould, R., Stewart, F., Restrick, S., Melone, H., & Atterson, B., 2019. Never try and face the journey alone: Exploring the face-to-face advocacy needs of fuel poor and vulnerable householders. Energy Research and Social Science, Vol. 59, (2019) pp. 210-219. Pre-pub version at: Shareable link to published version: 

Baker, K.J., Morgan., G., Mould, R., & Wright, I., 2019. Powering Our Ambitions: The role of Scotland’s Publicly Owned Energy Company and the case for a Scottish Energy Development Agency. A Common Weal policy paper. Available at: 

Baker, K.J., & Mould, R., 2018. Energy Performance Certificates - An Alternative Approach. A Common Weal policy paper. Available at:

Baker, K.J., Mould, R., & Restrick, S., 2018. Rethink fuel poverty as a complex problem. Nature Energy, 2nd July 2018. DOI: Available at:  

Atterson, B., Restrick, S., Baker, K.J., Mould, R., Stewart, F., & Melone, H., 2018. Down to the Wire: Research into support and advice services for households in Scotland reliant on electric heating. Report for the Consumer Futures Unit, Citizens Advice Scotland. Available at:  

Baker, K.J., 2018. Energy expert says fracking risks outweigh the potential benefits. The Herald, 10th January 2018. Available at:

Baker, K.J., & Stewart, F., 2017. “Warm, friendly, reliable, and do what they say they do”: An Evaluation of South Seeds’ Energy Advocacy Services. Glasgow Caledonian University & Dr Fraser Stewart, December 2017. Available at:

Wood, G., & Baker, K.J. (eds), 2017. A Critical Review of Scottish Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Policy. Palgrave Macmillan, Aug 2017. Available at:

Baker, K.J., 2017. Electricity is a rip-off – we need a truly radical intervention in the energy market. The Conversation, August 2017.Available at:  

Mould, R., & Baker, K.J., 2017. Documenting fuel poverty from the householders’ perspective. Energy Research and Social Science, 31, (2017), pp.21–31. Open access pre-publication version available at:

Mould, R., & Baker, K.J., 2017. Uncovering hidden geographies and socio-economic influences on fuel poverty using household fuel spend data: A meso-scale study in Scotland. Indoor and Built Environment, Vol. 20, (7), 1-23, DOI: 10.1177/1420326X17707326. Available at:

Pridmore, A., Smith, A., Baker, K.J., Ahlgen, C., & Williamson, T., 2017. Evidence Review of the Potential Wider Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation Options: Built Environment Sector. Report for the Scottish Government. Available at:  

Unaegbu, E., 2017. Scaling Household Energy Poverty in Nigeria. Nigeria Electricity Hub. Available at:

Baker, K.J., Mould, R., & Restrick, S., 2016. Proiseact Spéird – The Spéird Project: Understanding influences on fuel poverty in rural and island Scotland. Final report for the Eaga Charitable Trust, November 2016. Available at:

Baker, K.J., 2016. Nearly 20 years later, fuel poverty is still as high in Scotland as it was in 1996. Scottish Energy News. Available at:

Baker, K.J., 2016. Scotland’s not even close to getting on top of fuel poverty – here’s why. The Conversation, 31st October 2016. Available at:

Maiden, T., Baker, K.J., & Faulk, A., 2016. Taking the Temperature: Review of Energy Efficiency and Fuel Poverty Programmes in Scotland. Report for Citizens Advice Scotland by CAG Consultants, Glasgow Caledonian University, and the Energy Agency. Available at:

Baker, K.J., & Roaf, S., 2015. Energy Storage: Report on the ICARB International Energy Storage Workshop, 2014. Available at: 

Baker, K.J., & Roaf, S., 2014. Carbon Accounting for Cities and Communities: Report on the 6th International Conference on Carbon Accounting. Available at:

Mould, R., Baker, K.J., & Emmanuel, R., 2014. Behind the Definition of Fuel Poverty: Understanding differences between the Fuel Spend of Rural and Urban Homes. Queens Political Review, Vol. II, 2014, Issue 2, pp. 7-24.

Teedon, P.L., Gillespie, M., Lindsay, K., & Baker, K.J., 2014. Parental perceptions of the impacts the built environment has on young children's health: a qualitative examination and lay assessment amongst residents in four Scottish communities. Health and Place, 28 (2014), pp. 50-57.

Baker, K.J., Emmanuel, R., & Phillipson, M., 2014. Review of the Energy Assistance Package. Report for the Scottish Government. Available at:

Unaegbu, E., & Baker, K.J., 2014. Assessing Community Perception and Attitude towards Climate Change and Flooding in the Lower Benue River Basin, Nigeria. Journal of Earth Science and Climatic Change, 2014, 5:6.

Emmanuel, R., & Baker, K.J., 2012. Carbon Management in the Built Environment. Routledge. June 2012.

Baker, K.J., Emmanuel, R., & Phillipson, M., 2012. Support for RPP2 - Abatement - Built Environment. Report for ClimateXChange Scotland. Available at:

Baker, K.J., Emmanuel, R., & Phillipson, M., 2012. Support for RPP2 - Housing Futures. Report for ClimateXChange Scotland. Available at:

Baker, K.J., Griffiths, P., Teedon, P., & Thomson, C., 2011. Delivering climate change through behaviour change: the work of civil society organisations. Northern European Social Science Conference, Stockholm, June 2011.

Scott, J., Baker, K.J., & Reid, S., 2011. Improving Energy Efficiency in the Housing Sector in Scotland: Exploring the Role of Regulation. Report for Consumer Focus Scotland.

Baker, K.J., Lomas, K.J., & Rylatt, M., 2010. Energy Use. In Jenks, M., & Jones, C., Dimensions of the Sustainable City 2, pp. 129-143.

Roaf, S., Baker, K.J., & Peacock, A., 2008. Evidence on Hard to Treat Properties. Report for the Scottish Government. Available at:

Baker, K.J., & Rylatt, M., 2008. Improving the prediction of UK domestic energy demand using annual consumption data. Applied Energy, Volume 85, Issue 6, June 2008, pages 475-482.