The Energy Poverty Research initiative was founded in August 2017 as an independent research and lobbying organisation working on energy poverty and energy policy more widely. In 2018 we established a collaboration with the Scottish 'think and do' tank, Common Weal, and in 2019 we were formally recognised as an independent spin-out from the Built Environment Asset Management (BEAM) Centre at Glasgow Caledonian University.
Dr Ron Mould is a Co-founder of EPRi, a Sustainability Officer at Bield, a member of Common Weal’s Energy Working Group, an Associate of the BEAM Centre at GCU, and a Co-founder of EPRi. He has a PhD from Glasgow Caledonian University on district heating and fuel poverty, which drew on his extensive professional experience, including managing teams of energy advocates at Renfrewshire Council. This study illustrated the impacts of fuel poverty across the urban / rural divide and the relationships between fuel poverty and vulnerability, and underpins EPRi’s reconceptualisation of fuel poverty as a complex social problem that needs ‘folk first’ solutions. 🐦@ron_mould
Scott Restrick is a Co-founder of EPRi and is based at Link HA. He was previously the Technical & Training Manager at Energy Action Scotland since June 1999, where he led on the organisation’s training service delivery and development and also the provision of domestic energy consultancy services for a range of housing providers and EAS members. He is a graduate of Glasgow Caledonian University with a PG DIP in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Scott has worked extensively with the Scottish Government and with organisations tackling fuel poverty across Scotland and beyond. 🐦@dougalcubed

Helen Melone is based at Scottish Reenewables, having previously been Energy Action Scotland's Research, Information and Project Officer. She completed an MRes at Glasgow Caledonian University, for which she was awarded a distinction for her research on gender and fuel poverty. 🐦@hmelone
Prof Brian Castellani is Professor of Sociology at Durham University and a Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing. He moved to Durham from Kent State University in 2018, where he wrote an article for Discover Science, 'Complexity and the Failure of Quantitative Social Science', which inspired and underpins EPRi's work on understanding fuel poverty as a complex problem. 🐦@complexcase
Emmanuel Unaegbu is a Senior Programme Manager with the Climate Transformation and Energy Remediation Society, Nigeria. He holds an MSc from Glasgow Caledonian University, for which he gained a distinction for his study on the social impacts of flooding in the River Benue Basin, Nigeria. Emmanuel also volunteers as EPRi's African correspondent. 🐦@emmalysis

Dr Bill Sheldrick is the legendary founder of Alembic Research. He holds a PhD in Local Authority Involvement with energy Conservation in the UK from the University of Leeds and was a member of the Watt Committee’s Domestic Energy and Fuel Poverty Working group and a member of the Building Research Establishment working group on the BREDEM methodology for Scotland. Bill was an assessor, trainer and examiner for the National Home Energy Rating scheme and received a NHER lifetime achievement award in 2000. 🐦@AlembicResearch