We have a somewhat scathing new paper out on exploring the energy advocacy needs of fuel poor and otherwise vulnerable householders. The paper presents a new analysis of 2007 household records from Renfrewshire, combined with further analysis of the interviews we've previously conducted with clients of the South Seeds (Glasgow) energy advice service and the evidence gathered as part of our recent work for Citizens Advice Scotland.
The research found that a minimum of 68% of 'customer journeys' require face-to-face or in-home advice, and questions both the use of this term and the implications for current policy making, which relies heavily on the perceived value of providing support by phone and online.
Reference and links as follows:
Baker, K.J., Mould, R., Stewart, F., Restrick, S., Melone, H., & Atterson, B., 2019. Never try and face the journey alone: Exploring the face-to-face advocacy needs of fuel poor and vulnerable householders. Energy Research and Social Science, Vol. 59, (2019) pp. 210-219.
Pre-pub version at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YlNs00kkijMf24lSe5iG53n75BBLpvNh/view?usp=sharing
Shareable link to published version: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1YhpP7tZ6ZjK7R
As ever, we'd like to thank all those who gave us their time support this research.
A forthcoming policy paper with Common Weal, due for publication later this year, will use this and other research to present the case for a Public Energy Service.
Watch this space 😃
Keith, Ron and the EPR team
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