In case you're wondering why EPRi has been quiet for the last few months it's only because I've been tied up with moving house, my forthcoming wedding, and a cracking new paper on defining energy poverty that we've just submitted for review 😀
Anyway, today I gave evidence to the Scottish Parliament's Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee on the Heat Networks Bill in my capacity as a Researcher at the BEAM Centre. You can catch the session on Scottish Parliament TV or, better still, check out our 'Powering Our Ambitions', 'Just Warmth' and 'Carbon-free, Poverty-free' policy papers for Common Weal.
You can find the official record of the session here:
I can't say I'm very impressed with the Bill or very hopeful that we've managed to have much influence on it, particularly due to the distinct lack of technical knowledge and expertise being displayed by the Scottish Government and other stakeholders, notably District Heating Scotland and its constituent organisations - and don't even get me started on the Phase 2 report from the Infrastructure Commission for Scotland (!) - but, as ever, we have to press on regardless.
Where we go on this now is the subject of a discussion we're having with the Common Weal team about a problem that goes way beyond energy policy, so all I'll say for now is that it's sounding like it's time to play hardball 😯
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