With campaigning for the local elections now in full swing we were reminded that we haven't published anything on how our political parties responded, so here we go!
The statement was sent to appropriate members of all the political parties represented at Holyrood, along with the Independence for Scotland Party (ISP) and Alba.
Of these, only the SNP and ISP responded, although we should note that we have had some positive informal dialogue with representatives of Scottish Labour and Alba on a number of the key issues, particularly with regard to support for a public energy company. We have not heard anything from the Scottish Green Party, the Liberal Democrats, or the Conservative Party however, we urge readers to consider their respective voting records on some of the actions when it comes to casting their own votes.
Michael Matheson MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport provided us with a full response on behalf of the SNP and, whilst we are grateful to him for taking the time to reply, we were left very disappointed in the lack of commitment to most of the actions, and the level of obfuscation by wordsmithery (sometimes a simple 'no' would've come across as more honest). You can read the response here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11oXrEkdddTZHRf-ctmdIjejyayFRyTje/view?usp=sharing We should also note that other members of the SNP have been much more supportive, so we hope they will continue to make their views known and are more than happy to provide them, or members of any other parties, with whatever support we can offer.
Finally, the ISP gave us a short reply signing up to all 21 of the actions and so, whilst EPRi is a non-party-political organisation, we wish them all the best of luck in the elections.
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